Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oslo mornings.

Mornings in Oslo are the most beautiful. At six am a bird outside my window woke me with a nice song. I felt like sleeping beauty, only I look horrible in the mornings. I tried sleeping some more, but was unable. So I went to work early, with a banana in my purse, Casey's Song on my ipod and hopes of a good hot chocolate. To continue the theme from yesterday, people laying down, here are people leaving ground (in one way or another). 

Bruno Dayan

Craig McDean

Kai Jüneman

Michael Woolley

Zhang Jingna


  1. I was actually looking forward to todays pics!
    First thing I did this morning :P

    I dig the banana in your purse btw!
    Or were you just happy to see me?

  2. :D Haha, I was just happy to see you. You know that ;)
