Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fashion illustrations

Back from Denmark with two pairs of amazing shoes. One pair studded, half ancle stillettoed, 12 cm heels and 3 cm platform in front. Love them so much. And one pair of pumps, white with beige cirkles all over, black lining going down to some cute laces in same leather, 8 cm high. I will definetly take pictures!

I kinda stopped drawing again, which I'm not really happy about. But I just don't feel good enough. I can't draw from imagination, only copying other pictures. I just love the way Kelly Smith works (above image). And also Kelly Thompson (below). Love her geekishly style.

I'm gonna eat waffles with my girls today, and have beer with Magnus later.


  1. hey there. i know how you feel about drawing. i can't just draw using my imagination either. i need to look at something. and i have periods where i draw and periods where i don't draw. and i just began to draw again and it feels so greeeeat. so you must not give it up. :)

  2. Yeah, it's always like that isn't it :) I'll try starting up again soon. Glad you found your way back to creativity though!
