Friday, May 15, 2009

Into the late hours.

Parties are nice, but barbeques are nicer, I think.

Yesterday, I went without my thrustworthy partner in crime, to a barbeque at Mr. Jensen's place. We talked about random stuff I don't remember anymore. Mr. Hunstad and Mr. Aurtun were also present, which was nice. And though some had other obligations than to entertain me, we were quite a nice gang hitting town.

When lights were suddenly too bright, we left. And I ran home trying to get a hold of whoever would pick up the phone, but no one would. I didn't run from anyone or anything, I just ran because it looks cute when girls in high heels run. Now I'm broken and so tired.

I have the most shitty scanner at work ever, messes up the colours (hue's some and saturate's some), but the pictures still make me laugh.

Cato (Mr. Aurtun) and Per Christian

Sigbjørn and Magnus (Mr. Jensen)

Cato showing off his sexy muscular arms and sugarlumps.

Me, wearing a bathingsuite from the Matthew Williams collection and H&M (which I think is overrated really, but that's another story). And showing off my, apparently, orange lipstick.


  1. "I just ran because it looks cute when girls in high heels run." Either that or incredibly stupid. But I know you're good with high heels. ;)

  2. You should've seen me, I was very good. Magnus can confirm :)

  3. Splendid afternoon/evening/night/morning!
    Well, the morning isn't so nice though :P
    We got 3 new signs to put up in our appartment now :D

  4. signs..... signs fo'life. seriously; yet another wicked evening, at mr. jensens place and at oslo mechanical workshop*!


  5. and wicked awesome pics,`mrs. Wolf`. btw, look how hard I`m NOT posing at the one taken at the balcony.... sugalumps. Fanthomas!
